29 January 2010
Early in February the latest New Zealand Catholic School opens its doors to cater for the Catholic population of the new suburb of Flat Bush in Auckland. The primary school, which is on the Sancta Maria College site, will form part of the Sancta Maria Catholic School campus. The new school is called: Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School.
Congratulations are extended from our national school system to Bishop Patrick Dunn and his team who have worked hard over a number of years to bring this school to reality.
Congratulations are also extended to Principal Gina Benade and her staff, and also to the Board of Trustees as they embark on their exciting venture.
The Government has provided 85% of the capital cost of the new school, for which we can all be very grateful.
Over the last sixteen years the New Zealand Catholic bishops have opened fourteen new schools in various parts of the country, which is a wonderful gesture of confidence in our school system. These schools are all doing well Certainly, the future belongs to those who give the next generation hope.
In welcoming the newest school community to our national network, encouragement and good will are extended to everyone associated with our schools as they continue to strive for all that is good and ideal. We recall that the Second Vatican Council was simple in its statement about why the Church and our school system exist: “That God’s kingdom may come, and that the salvation of the whole human race may come to pass”. (Gaudium et Spes, 45a). Our schools are strongly committed to promoting the well-being of New Zealand society and to doing their bit in addressing the challenges of the global community,
As a Catholic community we believe in the future and as people of hope we seek to inspire those we serve.
Patrick J. Lynch