More than one saint was of the view that if the only prayer you ever uttered was, THANK YOU, this would be more than enough in one’s relationship with God.
This fundamental appreciation of the importance of gratitude in one’s life is something countless generations of good people have come to understand and to practice.
We all have had experiences of working in places where gratitude was part of the enterprise’s culture. Unfortunately, some of us have experienced the reverse, as well. The difference in the dynamic of the two experiences is marked. Satisfaction, optimism, hope, empathy, well-being and fundamental happiness accompany the positive experience. Without the oil of gratitude in one’s workplace the darker side of humanity tends to exhibit itself exposing bitterness, stinginess, envy, blame and back biting.
An analysis of what occurs when gratitude is the structure of one’s life reveals the emergence of the powerful dynamos that drive human communities forward. These dynamos deliver the fundamentals that guide human progress: resilience, well-being, reverence for others and a deep seated respect for those one interacts with.
It is of more than passing interest that students of work cultures and domestic setting cultures all agree that gratitude is the spiritual dynamo that enables progress to make in human communities, whatever challenges they might face. It is the basis for building spiritual capital.
What we can seek to do is not to just build respectful relationships, it is much deeper than this. It is built on our reverence for individuals. Out or reverence graciousness emerges.
Graciousness enables us to make allowances for the behaviours of others, when they are discourteous, cool or distant.
The question we all need to answer from time to time is how do I express my gratitude and appreciation to those I live and work with? The answer to this question is related to how happy you are or will become.
Patrick J. Lynch