Welcome to our new look Aoraki!

One of the challenges in a busy world is to find articles that stimulate our interest in topics that give a breadth to the work we do in schools.

This week, NZCEO has posted copies of its latest edition of Aoraki to all schools and Proprietors. A great deal of thought and effort has gone in to delivering a quality journal that will grace the staff rooms of our schools and stimulate discussion that give life in the “Spirit”.

It is late in the year and for many this may not feature on your reading till 2019 but the material will still have value at that point. I recommend this edition of Aoraki as the beginning of the first iteration of a new and summative journal that will provide good material for our mission in the Catholic schools of New Zealand.

Enjoy the break you have worked for during the year and hopefully give some time to sharing and discussing aspects of the content of this updated professional journal. Please make sure that it is shared and available to all staff over time.

Ngā mihi nui,

Paul Ferris, CEO
New Zealand Catholic Education Office

Click here to download a PDF copy or use the PDF viewer below.

Aoraki Journal NOV2018_web