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So far finity has created 49 blog entries.

Work of the Board – Governance Framework available

Our office is frequently asked for advice on board policies, their content, the number required and the difference between governance and management.  In response, NZCEO have been working alongside New Zealand School Trustee Association (NZSTA) to adapt their governance framework to reflect the objectives and legal requirements of Catholic school boards. Find out more... [...]

Work of the Board – Governance Framework available2022-06-13T12:05:28+12:00

Gallagher partners with New Zealand Catholic Education Office to protect what matters most

Leading security manufacturer, Gallagher, has entered into a long-term collaborative agreement with the New Zealand Catholic Education Office (NZCEO) as a major sponsor to help support and promote the aspirations of future generations within the Catholic and wider integrated schools’ sector that NZCEO serve. Click here to download the Media Release.

Gallagher partners with New Zealand Catholic Education Office to protect what matters most2022-03-23T12:01:33+13:00

Catholic Education Convention postponed

It is with regret that NZCEO wishes to inform our stakeholders that the National Catholic Convention scheduled for June 2023 has been postponed until 2024. NZCEO has undertaken extensive consultation with our various stakeholder groups including our school principal executives and in the main there is a strong feeling that the current environment is [...]

Catholic Education Convention postponed2022-07-12T15:36:54+12:00

Essential Property Maintenance Package (EPMP)

APIS is currently working through the details of the Essential Property Maintenance Package (EPMP) and all guidelines, FAQ’s process documents and application forms will be found on the EPMP page. For all enquiries please email Go to to read more

Essential Property Maintenance Package (EPMP)2021-08-06T13:56:34+12:00

Catholic Schools Day 29 Sept 2021

Catholic Schools Day 2021 was another opportunity to celebrate the taonga of Catholic education for which we are kaitiaki. Check out the Catholic Schools Day page for more information, resources and ideas. We will be uploading information to this page over the next few months as we prepare to celebrate Catholic Education in our [...]

Catholic Schools Day 29 Sept 20212021-11-23T16:24:30+13:00

First Time Principal’s Programme

The First Time Principals’ Programme consists of a series of short (1.5hrs) online seminars and discussions to help form principals as the faith leader in a Catholic school. The programme is intended to compliment diocesan first-time principals’ programmes. Principals who commenced in within the last two years will be invited to participate. Click here [...]

First Time Principal’s Programme2023-01-19T13:52:35+13:00
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