- We are starting every day altogether with prayer at 9am. We have a series of Lockdown liturgies and these are based on the “Stations of the Resurrection”. We are praying one station a day.
- On week 1 at our morning prayer and check in hui I talked with the whole school about the symbol of the cross and what it means for us. We listened to the song ‘This Holy Cross’ which I edited to show some cross making inspiration. The children made their own crosses in their bubbles from all sorts of materials and we have been sharing these with the community on our school facebook page here.
- Year 7/8’s are viewing the paintings of Sieger Koder and analysing these from the perspective of retelling the story of Holy Week and Easter (with a special focus on the Paschal Triduum). The slideshow of paintings can be found here.
- Hoping to have the children create poppies from supermarket reusable bags to put on their fences and in their gardens for ANZAC Day.
Emalene Cull, Principal
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