
Aoraki: Journal for Catholic Education Professionals

Welcome to our new look Aoraki! One of the challenges in a busy world is to find articles that stimulate our interest in topics that give a breadth to the work we do in schools. This week, NZCEO has posted copies of its latest edition of Aoraki to all schools and Proprietors. A great deal [...]

Aoraki: Journal for Catholic Education Professionals2018-12-06T12:02:33+13:00

The Future of Work: OECD Paper

A recent paper published by the OECD, The Future We Want, describes the OEDC Learning Framework 2030. We have made note of some of the concepts in this paper that we thought were particularly relevant to New Zealand schools today: The  children  entering  education in  2018 will be young adults in 2030. Schools can prepare [...]

The Future of Work: OECD Paper2018-09-28T13:26:04+12:00

Catholic Character Best Practices Update

Our Catholic Character best practices material has been updated for 2018 and is now organised into the four dimensions from the review framework. The latest edition of this publication is now available in the Resources section of our website (link here). Here are four items, to tempt you to read the full document, which has [...]

Catholic Character Best Practices Update2018-09-21T14:10:40+12:00

Growing Up in New Zealand Study Report

The latest report from the Growing Up in New Zealand study by Superu and the University of Auckland reveals: Our families are ethnically diverse: a third of children are born to at least one parent who did not grow up in New Zealand and where at least one parent is multilingual. Almost half of all families [...]

Growing Up in New Zealand Study Report2018-08-13T08:47:55+12:00

Catholic Education Convention 2018

Tēnā koutou katoa The Catholic Education Convention 2018 is over and it has been a resounding success. Thank you to all of you that attended.  Thank you to the many people who contributed to its success – our presenters, our conference team, our venue staff, those in the Catholic community who gave their [...]

Catholic Education Convention 20182019-02-11T08:36:09+13:00

New Resource: Formation Videos

NZCEO and NCRS have collaborated to support Boards and Principals with the ongoing formation of staff in Catholic Special Character. If learning is a lifelong ambition of our education system then our continual formation in faith is an important part of our commitment to ensuring the authenticity of our programmes. Together we have developed over [...]

New Resource: Formation Videos2018-06-20T13:34:20+12:00

Evangelising and Forming Families in the Joy of the Gospel

One of our staff recently attended the National Catholic Education Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio. The following is a summary of one of the seminars attended: Evangelising and Forming Families in the Joy of the Gospel Dr. Kathie Amidei, Pastoral Associate, St. Anthony on the Lake Parish in Wisconsin, USA. Today's young parents are [...]

Evangelising and Forming Families in the Joy of the Gospel2018-05-17T13:45:59+12:00

Catholic Schools Roll Report

July 2017 Roll Report   The sixty-six thousand Catholic school students represent 8.3% of the New Zealand school network, of which approximately two-fifths (29K) are Y1-6 Primary students and about two thousand less Y9-13 Secondary students (27K) and the remainder Y7-8 Intermediate level (11K), who may be in primary or secondary schools. Overall, [...]

Catholic Schools Roll Report2018-03-03T11:30:27+13:00

The Catholic Elaborations on the Education Council’s Standards for the Teaching Profession

Catholic School Elaborations - Standards for the Teaching Profession The vocation of teaching is reflected in a unique way within Catholic schools and this is lived out by the staff within those communities as they seek to grow the “encounter with Christ.” The Catholic elaborations on the Education Council’s Standards for the Teaching Profession provide [...]

The Catholic Elaborations on the Education Council’s Standards for the Teaching Profession2023-03-17T08:46:00+13:00
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