School News

Nikki Kaye’s Press Release – Court action looming over state integrated schools

Court action looming over state integrated schools The Government’s recent school infrastructure announcement excludes State Integrated Schools which they believe breaches their agreement with the Crown, National’s Education Spokesperson Nikki Kaye says. “Education Minister Chris Hipkins has said State Integrated Schools can use attendance dues to modernise or upgrade their buildings. Mr Hipkins clearly doesn’t [...]

Nikki Kaye’s Press Release – Court action looming over state integrated schools2019-12-06T09:49:47+13:00

Congratulations to Students and Teachers

St Kevin's College, Oamaru won the Schick Secondary Schools National Basketball Premier A competition with a win over Dunstan High School 68-50.  The A competition is for schools with smaller rolls. Baradene College, Auckland, defended their NZSS Girls Premier Lotto title they won last by beating Hillcrest High School, Hamilton 3-0. Jamie Kestle, Francis Douglas Memorial College, won the [...]

Congratulations to Students and Teachers2019-11-26T09:07:58+13:00

Holy Family School, Porirua win at Prime Minister’s Excellence Awards

Holy Family School, Porirua win the 'Excellence in Engaging' section at the Prime Minister's Education Excellence Awards held in the Beehive. Whānau and family engagement, and capacity building have been at the forefront for Holy Family School for the past four years.  The school has identified multiculturalism as one its strengths. It focused on meeting [...]

Holy Family School, Porirua win at Prime Minister’s Excellence Awards2019-10-22T11:41:36+13:00

Congratulations to Students and Teachers

  Chelsea Oliver, Baradene College Baradene College, Auckland:   Chelsea Oliver, been selected in the NZ Women's Youth Water Polo team.  Caitlin Potter (Y10) has been chosen to represent NZ at the Dance World Cup. Katie Bull (Y12) and Jenna Whiteman (Y10) Hip Hop troupe won a Gold Medal at the Global Dance Games.  [...]

Congratulations to Students and Teachers2019-06-28T11:23:09+12:00

Congratulations to Students and Teachers

Kate Vernal, Baradene College Baradene College, Auckland: Vika Koloto has been selected for the NZSS Netball team. Lucy Burrell has been selected in the NZ rowing Junior Team which will compete in the World Championships in Tokyo.  Emily Carr and Kate Vernal recently played in the NZ U18 Women's Ice Hockey Team at [...]

Congratulations to Students and Teachers2019-05-31T13:20:32+12:00

St Francis Xavier School, Dunedin, Centenary Celebration

St Francis Xavier School, Dunedin is calling all past and present pupils, families and teachers to help celebrate 100 years of their fantastic school community. This fabulous school is celebrating on Labour Weekend 25th-26th October 2019. Registrations are now open, for more information email or check out their facebook page for some great class [...]

St Francis Xavier School, Dunedin, Centenary Celebration2019-07-30T13:42:52+12:00

Catholic Schools Day 2019

We are excited to share messages of support from Cardinal John Dew and Minister Salesa in the lead up to Catholic Schools Day. We recently emailed a pack of resources for this event and will include digital copies again below. Click on each item to open a downloadable digital file: Letter from Cardinal John Dew [...]

Catholic Schools Day 20192019-10-22T11:19:36+13:00

Congratulations to Students & Teachers

Auckland Diocese: Baradene College, Auckland: Chelsea Sharp has been selected for the Touch NZ 2019 U16 mixed team. Jorga Gantley with her medal. Carmel College, Auckland: Sionann Murphy (Y10) broke the NZ U17 Para records in both shot put and discus at the Auckland and Waikato Championships. Natalya Carter represented NZ at the [...]

Congratulations to Students & Teachers2019-09-06T11:34:55+12:00
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