We are celebrating Catholic Schools Day 2021! This is an opportunity to showcase who we are to our communities.
The theme of Catholic Schools Day 2021 is Tūrangawaewae: Catholic Schools – A Place to Stand.
NZCEO has provided resources and information to help minimise the extra preparation required to celebrate the outstanding work of our schools.
Resources for Schools
To support schools NZCEO has developed a range of resources and information to help minimise the extra preparation required to celebrate the outstanding work of our schools. The resources are as follows:
Letter to all Catholic Schools from Archbishop Paul Martin
Letter from Dr Kevin Shore, CEO, New Zealand Catholic Education Office
Powerpoint to be used at assembly or in the classroom, sets out what CSD is and why we celebrate it
Ideas for celebrating CSD (as shown above)
Video – a short video with message from Archbishop Paul Martin, students and Kevin Shore
Timeline – Catholic schools in Aotearoa – A History (can be printed A4 or A3 size)
Resources to use alongside the Timeline or stand alone activity
A3 poster for printing and placing around the school (as shown above)