28 November 2009
Latest professional development and research scholarships will benefit the Catholic educational community
Anne Miles, McAuley High School, Otahuhu, John Young, St Joseph’s School, Upper Hutt, Stasia Kennedy, St Joseph’s School, Levin and Marie Barrett, St John Bosco School, New Plymouth, are the latest Catholic School Principals to receive Catholic leadership scholarships, awarded by the New Zealand Catholic Education Office. Anne Miles and John Young were awarded the ‘Spotless’ Scholarship, sponsored by the Auckland-based company, Spotless.
The scholarships provide significant financial support for the principals’ professional study and for research they are undertaking which will benefit the Catholic schooling system.
Anne Miles will travel to the United Kingdom to study how low decile schools are raising academic achievement, and the link between Catholic Character and achievement.
Stasia Kennedy will travel to the United States to work with Dr Ken Merrell of the Oregon Resiliency Project focusing on the development of strong young people, and the use of social-emotional assets and resiliency scales.
John Young will travel to South Australia to work with Professor Alan Reid on school self review.
Marie Barrett is attending workshops on Mindful Leadership, and will further develop her work with Dr Samir Heble, Clinical Director of Mental Health for the Taranaki Health Board, so that mindful living and learning becomes embedded in the school.
NZCEO is delighted to be able to support outstanding leadership in Catholic schools, through these scholarships.
Patrick J. Lynch