Catholic Schools Day 2025
We are celebrating Catholic Schools Day 28 May 2025! This is an opportunity to showcase who we are to our communities. The theme of Catholic Schools Day 2025 is Shine like stars in the world: E tīaho ana koe hei rama i te ao. Please read [...]
NZCEO Leadership & Education Scholarships 2025
Each year the New Zealand Catholic Education Office (NZCEO) makes a significant financial contribution to supporting the development of Catholic teachers in or preparing for leadership and the teaching of Religious Education. The Board of NZCEO has generously allocated a limited fund to provide scholarships for teachers and aspiring [...]
The story of state integrated education – Video Resources
The story of state integrated education; our journey, and where we are today – Video Resources NZCEO have developed a series of video resources to capture the history of the one hundred year battle to gain state support for what we now know as state integrated schools. The catalyst [...]
Governance Video Resources
Welcome to the launch of a series of governance video resources for Catholic state-integrated school boards. These short video resources have been designed to provide an overview of what is unique about Catholic school boards. As stewards of faith-based education, the board has the unique challenge and responsibility to [...]
NZCEO Aspiring Leaders Programme 2025-2026
NZCEO will facilitate a national Aspiring Leaders Programme in 2025-2026. This 18-month formation programme is to support, teachers, Directors of Religious Studies, Deputy/Assistant Principals who are seeking to grow their careers in Catholic Education. The focus is on growing faith leaders who have the capability to lead a Catholic [...]
The New Zealand Catholic Education Office were saddened to hear of the passing of Nikki Kaye
The New Zealand Catholic Education Office were saddened to hear of the passing of Nikki Kaye The Association of Proprietors of Integrated Schools (APIS) and the New Zealand Catholic Education Office were saddened to hear of the passing of Nikki Kaye. Nikki held the role of Minister [...]
Introducing Kōtui
The staff at NZCEO are excited to introduce Kōtui which is the new, rebranded Lighting New Fires. In the 1990s Sir Brother Pat Lynch was responsible for initiating the publication Lighting New Fires which has been for almost thirty years one of our main communication channels. It has proven [...]
NZCEO Scholarship for Leadership in Catholic Education 2024
Each year the New Zealand Catholic Education Office (NZCEO) makes a significant financial contribution to supporting the development of Catholic teachers in leadership and the teaching of Religious Education. The Board of NZCEO has generously allocated a limited fund to provide scholarships for teachers and aspiring leaders and those [...]
Induction for Catholic State Integrated School Governance
Welcoming new board members An induction plan helps to bring new board members up to speed as quickly as possible. The aim should be a seamless transition where effective governance continues, irrespective of a change in who sits around the board table. Are you new to [...]
Death of Geoffrey Thomas Ricketts
I am writing to acknowledge the sad news that Geoff Ricketts, Chair of the New Zealand Catholic Education Office, died on Friday 10 March. This was devastating news for those of us who have had the privilege of serving with him and both the Board and staff (both past [...]
Work of the Board – Governance Framework available
Our office is frequently asked for advice on board policies, their content, the number required and the difference between governance and management. In response, NZCEO have been working alongside New Zealand School Trustee Association (NZSTA) to adapt their governance framework to reflect the objectives and legal requirements of Catholic [...]
Gallagher partners with New Zealand Catholic Education Office to protect what matters most
Leading security manufacturer, Gallagher, has entered into a long-term collaborative agreement with the New Zealand Catholic Education Office (NZCEO) as a major sponsor to help support and promote the aspirations of future generations within the Catholic and wider integrated schools’ sector that NZCEO serve. Click here to download the Media Release. [...]
NZCEO and Te Kupenga 2023 Symposium Series
Session 1 Whakaaronui Wisdom Wisdom (download 7.5Mb .pptx) Session 2 Tika Justice Tika Justice (download 3.8Mb .pptx) Session 3 Īnoi Prayer
Te Kupenga and NZCEO 2022 Catholic Schools Zoom Symposium
Session 1 Aroha Pūmau: Holiness – The Call to be Whole Part 1 Part 2 Holiness (download 12Mb .pptx) Session 2 Te Kupenga and NZCEO 2022 Catholic Schools Zoom Symposium Two
Essential Property Maintenance Package (EPMP)
APIS is currently working through the details of the Essential Property Maintenance Package (EPMP) and all guidelines, FAQ’s process documents and application forms will be found on the EPMP page. For all enquiries please email Go to to read more
Catholic Schools Day 29 Sept 2021
Catholic Schools Day 2021 was another opportunity to celebrate the taonga of Catholic education for which we are kaitiaki. Check out the Catholic Schools Day page for more information, resources and ideas. We will be uploading information to this page over the next few months as we prepare to [...]
Catholic Professional Learning and Formation Symposium Series
NZCEO are pleased to make available recordings of the 2021 Symposium Series—a programme of three online symposia focusing on matters of interest to Catholic educationalists. Click here to download the symposium flyer >> Click here to view the Certification hours for participating in the NZCEO Symposium Series 2021 [...]
Catholic Special Character Conversations Starters – A Reflective Toolkit
In January 2018 the New Zealand Catholic Education Office (NZCEO) published the Catholic Character Elaborations: Standards for the Teaching Profession to work alongside the Teaching Councils’ Standards for the Teaching Profession. NZCEO have now developed a series of reflective toolkits, differentiated for the varying roles and responsibilities that faith leaders and teachers [...]
Dr Kevin Shore is new CEO of Catholic Education Office
Dr Kevin Shore has been appointed the new Chief Executive Officer of the NZ Catholic Education Office, replacing Mr Paul Ferris QSM, who is retiring at a date to be set later this year. Dr Shore will be Chief Executive of both NZCEO and the Association of Proprietors of [...]
NZCEO have launched a facebook page
NZCEO have launched a facebook page Our website will continue to have the resources and information that you need to lead your faith based communities but our new Facebook page will contain good news stories and updated information to support your governance or leadership. It will provide us with [...]
David Wells reflects on Covid-19
David Wells reflects on Covid-19 David Wells is a writer and speaker with more than 30 years’ experience in Catholic education and was a keynote speaker at the 2018 New Zealand Catholic Education Convention. David has produced four 10-minute videos reflecting on the disruption COVID-19 has caused to individuals [...]
Our schools in action during Covid-19
Our schools in action during Covid-19 View lockdown stories from our schools here.
Help UNESCO set the global agenda on the issues you care about!
UNESCO is launching an unprecedented public survey to gain insights into global sentiment on the major challenges that threaten peace around the world today and the solutions needed to address them. The results will assist UNESCO in setting the global agenda on these issues over the next decade [...]
Laudato Si’ Week, 16-24 May
Catholics are uniting in solidarity for a more just and sustainable future. Stand united with our brothers and sisters in faith as we grow through the crisis of this moment to build a better tomorrow. Reflect and prepare through online trainings, 16-23 May Join the worldwide day of prayer, 24 [...]
Nikki Kaye’s Press Release – Court action looming over state integrated schools
Court action looming over state integrated schools The Government’s recent school infrastructure announcement excludes State Integrated Schools which they believe breaches their agreement with the Crown, National’s Education Spokesperson Nikki Kaye says. “Education Minister Chris Hipkins has said State Integrated Schools can use attendance dues to modernise or upgrade their [...]