
2210, 2019

Congratulations to Students and Teachers

October 22nd, 2019|APIS, NZCEO, School News|

St Kevin's College, Oamaru won the Schick Secondary Schools National Basketball Premier A competition with a win over Dunstan High School 68-50.  The A competition is for schools with smaller rolls. Baradene College, Auckland, defended their NZSS Girls Premier Lotto title they won last by beating Hillcrest High School, Hamilton 3-0. Jamie Kestle, Francis [...]

2210, 2019

Holy Family School, Porirua win at Prime Minister’s Excellence Awards

October 22nd, 2019|NZCEO, School News|

Holy Family School, Porirua win the 'Excellence in Engaging' section at the Prime Minister's Education Excellence Awards held in the Beehive. Whānau and family engagement, and capacity building have been at the forefront for Holy Family School for the past four years.  The school has identified multiculturalism as one its [...]

2210, 2019

Education News

October 22nd, 2019|APIS, NZCEO, Policy/Guideline Update|

ALL-OF-GOVERNMENT CONTRACT All State and State-integrated schools are eligible to join All-of-Government (AoG) contracts. Over 800 schools are already using one or more contracts. The contracts cover a number of goods and services, including: • IT hardware • Electricity • Print services • Office supplies • Banking services • Reticulated [...]

609, 2019

Education News

September 6th, 2019|APIS, NZCEO, Policy/Guideline Update|

PRIME MINISTER'S VOCATIONAL EXCELLENCE AWARD  Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has launched the Prime Minister’s Vocational Excellence Award. The award aims to raise the status of vocational study and recognise the achievements of students excelling in vocational education. The award  award and $2000 prize money can be presented to the top [...]

3007, 2019

Policy Update

July 30th, 2019|APIS, NZCEO, Policy/Guideline Update|

A NEW WAY TO DELIVER LEARNING SUPPORT New Zealanders want an education system where all children and young people can take part in education and can learn and achieve, whatever their needs or differences. One in five children and young people need some kind of learning support. The Learning Support [...]

3007, 2019

Congratulations to Students and Teachers

July 30th, 2019|APIS, NZCEO, Publications|

St Mary's College, Auckland: Taumaia Malolo, Danika Manse and Tyler  Tevagawho have been named in the Samoa U16 Girls Basketball team, which will compete in the FIBA Asia Championship. Marian College, Christchurch: Brie Ellen Harding and the Canterbury Baby Hawks placed second at the world Softball Championships.  Kate Taylor has been [...]

2806, 2019

Congratulations to Students and Teachers

June 28th, 2019|NZCEO, Publications, School News|

  Chelsea Oliver, Baradene College Baradene College, Auckland:   Chelsea Oliver, been selected in the NZ Women's Youth Water Polo team.  Caitlin Potter (Y10) has been chosen to represent NZ at the Dance World Cup. Katie Bull (Y12) and Jenna Whiteman (Y10) Hip Hop troupe won a Gold Medal [...]

3005, 2019

Congratulations to Students and Teachers

May 30th, 2019|NZCEO, Publications, School News|

Kate Vernal, Baradene College Baradene College, Auckland: Vika Koloto has been selected for the NZSS Netball team. Lucy Burrell has been selected in the NZ rowing Junior Team which will compete in the World Championships in Tokyo.  Emily Carr and Kate Vernal recently played in the NZ U18 [...]

2205, 2019

St Francis Xavier School, Dunedin, Centenary Celebration

May 22nd, 2019|NZCEO, School News|

St Francis Xavier School, Dunedin is calling all past and present pupils, families and teachers to help celebrate 100 years of their fantastic school community. This fabulous school is celebrating on Labour Weekend 25th-26th October 2019. Registrations are now open, for more information email or check out their facebook [...]

1804, 2019

Catholic Schools Day 2019

April 18th, 2019|NZCEO, Publications, School News|

We are excited to share messages of support from Cardinal John Dew and Minister Salesa in the lead up to Catholic Schools Day. We recently emailed a pack of resources for this event and will include digital copies again below. Click on each item to open a downloadable digital file: [...]

804, 2019

Catholic Support Group for the Royal Commission into Abuse in State Care – Newsletter

April 8th, 2019|NZCEO, Policy/Guideline Update, Publications|

Te Rōpū Tautoko Catholic Support Group for the Royal Commission in Abuse in State Care has released its first newsletter. To read the newsletter please Click Here.

804, 2019

Preservation of Documents for the Royal Commission of Inquiry.

April 8th, 2019|NZCEO, Policy/Guideline Update, Publications|

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions has issued a Notice regarding the Preservation of Documents that may be of relevance to the Royal Commission. Diocesan Offices will be communicating with Proprietors and schools regarding the following notice. To [...]

804, 2019

Congratulations to Students & Teachers

April 8th, 2019|NZCEO, School News|

Auckland Diocese: Baradene College, Auckland: Chelsea Sharp has been selected for the Touch NZ 2019 U16 mixed team. Jorga Gantley with her medal. Carmel College, Auckland: Sionann Murphy (Y10) broke the NZ U17 Para records in both shot put and discus at the Auckland and Waikato Championships. Natalya [...]

1803, 2019

Tomorrow’s Schools submission from APIS

March 18th, 2019|APIS, NZCEO, Publications, School News|

APIS is sharing its response to the Our Schooling Futures: Stronger Together report to all its stakeholders as a way of engaging with our Proprietors and Schools.  Our submission has focused on the potential challenges for integrated schools if changes are implemented. Please click here to read our letter. Please click [...]

1803, 2019

Condolences from Pope Francis

March 18th, 2019|APIS, NZCEO, Publications, School News|

His Holiness Pope Francis was deeply saddened to learn of the injury and loss of life caused by the senseless acts of violence at two Mosques in Christchurch, and he assures all New Zealanders, and in particular the Muslim community, of his heartfelt solidarity in the wake of these attacks. [...]

1403, 2019

We need to listen to young people about climate change

March 14th, 2019|APIS, CEO Blog, NZCEO|

The following op-ed was written by Cardinal John and originally posted on, click here to link to the original article. OPINION: Young people are protesting on Friday about the slow pace of international action on climate change. We need to listen to them. Many decision-makers in the governments, businesses, community [...]

103, 2019

Policy Update

March 1st, 2019|APIS, NZCEO, Policy/Guideline Update|

STUDENT PRIVACY The Office of the Privacy Commissioner has asked us to share their Back to school FAQs, which provides guidance around student information. Link here. Example questions are: Can a school give student information to a DHB dental service? Can a school publish a child’s information? Can a school put parent [...]

103, 2019

Congratulations to Students & Teachers

March 1st, 2019|NZCEO, School News|

Pompallier Catholic College, Whangarei:  At the NZSS para-athlete event, Daniel Meyer won gold in the shot put.  He also won silver in the discus with a NZ record for his classification. St Francis Xavier Catholic School, Whangarei: Tamatea Davis, Keakealani Seve and Luka Roulston competed at the Waka Ama Nationals at Lake [...]

1412, 2018

‘Return to Christmas’

December 14th, 2018|NZCEO, School News|

The Catholic Enquiry Centre (CEC) is publishing a series of short videos in the lead up to Christmas inviting people to ‘Return to Christmas’. The clips were produced with the help of a few Wellington Catholic Primary Schools to help people rediscover the meaning of Christmas through the eyes of [...]

612, 2018

Aoraki: Journal for Catholic Education Professionals

December 6th, 2018|NZCEO, Publications|

Welcome to our new look Aoraki! One of the challenges in a busy world is to find articles that stimulate our interest in topics that give a breadth to the work we do in schools. This week, NZCEO has posted copies of its latest edition of Aoraki to all schools [...]

412, 2018

RSTAANZ Executive Committee

December 4th, 2018|APIS, Classroom Views, NZCEO|

The following have been elected on the Religious Studies Teachers Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (RSTAANZ) Executive Committee for 2019-2020. Our congratulations and best wishes for them in their work: Andrew Murray (Sacred Heart Girls' College, New Plymouth) Vice President Colin MacLeod (National Centre for Religious Studies) Amjad Ali (Al-Madinah [...]

3011, 2018

Policy Update

November 30th, 2018|APIS, NZCEO, Policy/Guideline Update|

TEACHING COUNCIL ELECTIONS A reminder that nominations for the new board of the Teaching Council open 23 November and close 25 January. Voters in seven teaching sectors will elect seven board members, one teacher and one principal from the primary and secondary sectors, one teacher and one leader from early [...]

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