Haere mai!
Things are looking a little different around here! We are delighted to share our updated website. We hope it reflects the diversity, passion and brightness found in our schools every day.
This process has been under way for some time. It started in March when we sent out a survey about our communications; and a big thank you to those that responded. Since then, we’ve been thinking about how to make resources easier for visitors to find.
The website update is part of a bigger piece of work, which is an update of all our communications. You might have noticed that our logo is a little brighter and a little bolder. We are also moving away from printed publications; however, the same content will be shared in the following ways:
- Monthly E-Newsletter: consisting of a round-up of our website posts. This will be a key source of policy and school news and a quick and fresh way for proprietors, principals and schools to have content at their fingertips.
- NZ Catholic Education Supplement: this will be a quarterly feature in the NZ Catholic with our School News and some Education and Sporting Achievement updates, a great way to share news about our schools
- Aoraki/Good Practices journal: we will be expanding our work with good practices and case studies into an annual, printed journal featuring content similar to Aoraki and Good News and the News
Delighted to hear about the changes? Devastated that we’re not going to providing printed publications? Any ideas or good practices you’d like to share? We are here to listen and we value your input, email nzceooffice@nzceo.org.nz or call 04 496 1739.
Ngā manaakitanga,
Paul Ferris, CEO